Saturday, February 23, 2008

George W. Bush and Television

I just saw - again - that cable/dvr commercial with the impersonator doing his best GW and couldn't help but to wonder; does our commander and chief actually watch tv anymore???

It may seem like a simple answer - one would expect that the president wouldn't really have the time to keep up with 24 or Lost. But, he's been quoted in the past as a fan of at least one show. And, though he may have the free time to sit glassy-eyed in front of the idiot box, would he really want to??

Celebrities come to know what to avoid if they don't want to get pissed off. Hey, if you're Paris Hilton, watching ANY celebrity "news" shows is unwise. Or, if you happen to be Barbara Walters (to date, I never have been) it would seem fair to swear off SNL for life. But, what if you are so disliked that your likeness or faults can be found anywhere??

The general disapproval of GW can be found on television drama's, comedies, news programs, talk shows, skit shows, commercials and public cable/ public television. Basically, he'd never know where the next blow to his intellect would come from. It's entirely possible that even Sesame Street could be off limits!

I suppose he has a pretty damn good DVD library. I know I've heard that he's gotten copies of newly-released-to-theaters films for his private viewing. So, there is a sliver lining for ol' boy. But, how long will it be after he leaves office before he can view television without seeing himself in his worst form?

My guess is that it will be a looooonnnnggg time! Dude better learn to curl up with a good book. Hey, I'm sure there's still plenty of Dr. Seuss that he hasn't read.

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